Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Fatty Arbuckle Scandal

Fatty Arbuckle

Fatty Arbuckle: The rotund star of silent movie comedies was accused of killing actress Virginia Rappe, 30, on September 9, 1921 during a violent sex attack, allegedly rupturing her bladder. The funnyman went through three trials over the death that happened during his Labor Day weekend party but wasn't convicted. His exoneration came too late, however, as the scandal had wrecked already his career; Arbuckle died a broken man at 46 in 1933. The cause of Virginia Rappe’s death remains a Hollywood mystery.

Denise Richards Nude in ‘Wild Things’

Denise Richards Nude in 'Wild Things'
Denise Richards, american actress and former fashion model is at the no.4 of our TOP 10 NUDE SCENES ever! countdown. Her booby performance in 1998 thriller film  Wild Things put her on the 4th spot. The scene involved 3 people (2 completely nude and one clothes). This classic sex/organism scene involves wine. Matt Dillon sucks the wine out of Denise Richards boobs which make this a classic scene.